I write with a chosen name taken from an ancient king and a modern light. The two are perhaps what we need today. We need combinations of those who have the authority that Jesus possessed when he walked on earth. And we need those who illuminate all of us, just as Jesus had done. The meaning of being a man, a husband, and a father has never been so eclipsed as it is today. There are never so many fathers and sons who have never heard about who they are, what they are meant to be, and where their duties lie. Many of these duties are covered by a canvas constructed of bitterness and hatred and painted with suspicion. Catholic men who love families, love mothers, love their wives and daughters, who love the feminine genius, who are moved by the humble woman who draws out love from others by loving. This is seen as dominative and manipulative. But once again, it is the very opposite. The world wants to dominate women, to convince them to shine their bodies as sex objects to feed men’s lusts. Nothing is more vulgar, crass, and revolting. Women pretend to be free of men, but in fact, they have never submitted themselves in a more dominative manner. To pretend that one is free because sex can be given at will is not freedom. It is precisely what men who desire to dominate women want women to believe. And many women have been convinced. And these are our sisters. Slaves of such deformations is not their destiny. Let men love women for the beautiful creation that they are. Their bodies and souls have a deep beauty to them. They naturally draw out love in others through humility not self-assertion. They change the world by quiet love.